What have I been doing with quarantine

So let’s just face it, this sucks. Quarantine is not fun. The world is scary right now. We have had friends get sick. I know friends who have had family members die. It is just chaos.
On a personal level, I have never been so thankful that my grandmother is a shut in and hermit. Work has nearly stopped with shows cancelling and Denver Fashion Week postponing. I have moved my machines home since the art center where my studio is is closed for safety. I have switched over almost exclusively to making masks. It’s weird. I have struggled with depression my entire life and I usually pour myself into work to forget about the outside world but working on the masks is a constant reminder of why these things are so important. All in all though, it’s not to bad around here. It could be a lot worse. I’m thankful for what we have and we have only been leaving for post office runs which we have started limiting for safety sake.
The cats are very confused. My old man loves having us home constantly, until I am on his couch. Lily has a hard time adjusting at first but now she is all about it. She’s been hanging out as much as she can with me while I sew.
When not sewing, I would like to say that I have been productive, but that’s not really true. I have been, like so many other people, playing Animal Crossing. It’s great for escapism. I have been actually designing Fogg Couture outfits from Fall last year on the game so if you ever wanted to own a FC piece for free here is your chance! The garden is starting to come back but Colorado loves her late spring snow so not much happening there yet but I have mugwort, wormwood, thyme, bee’s balm, marshmallow, St. John’s Wort, and white sage coming back and I have plans for them!
I have also started doing bone readings online for those interested. I love reading my bones, but I’m still getting use to doing it digitally. If you would like a reading, let me know! Email me at foggcouture@gmail.com
I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. Check in with me on IG if you get a chance. I love it when people say hi or if you just need to talk. Please remember to not be so hard on yourself if you don’t write the next great American novel or start a new business. We are going through a world wide pandemic. Just take care of yourself.